Display page information as in djview4

Issue #141 wontfix
jsbien created an issue

To debug issue #136 it would be useful to have access to the information about the page displayed in the main panel, which is available in djview4 with Ctrl-I.

Comments (8)

  1. jsbien reporter
    • changed status to open

    The commit introduces a different feature then requested. If I understand correctly, it makes just more accessible the information already present in the log.

    BTW, the page number is 1 off because it is counted from 0.

  2. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    The data presented in djview requires low-level djvulibre API not available through via DLL.

  3. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    At some I switched from Mercurial to Git. Apparently old commit links were not converted.

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