Remove comment icon, display comment at the bottom

Issue #218 closed
jsbien created an issue

A drastic solution, after resolving #217, is to remove the comment icon. A better (?) solution is to indent the entry if the icon is not present.

After the discussion the drastic solution is selected.

Comments (18)

  1. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    Another option is displaying index as a table, with 3 columns (Entry, Comment, URL). By default most of the columns will be hidden, but you will be able to scroll to the right or make Index tab wider.

  2. jsbien reporter

    Displaying the index in column is an acceptable solution, if it's technically easier. Let's make sure there is no confusion about the columns. There is no need to display URL outside the Edit dialog. I want now two kinds of comments, the old "technical" one and the new one. Only the new one should be alway displayed, but the existence of the first one should be still marked by the icon. So with this approach we have 3 columns: icon placeholder, entry, new comment. However from a user point of view cocatenating entry with the new comment seems a better solution.

  3. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    To make things clear, what about having the following fields: Title, Subtitle, Comment, URL.

    Display will be in columns:

    Title Comment URL
    title [subtitle] comment (if present) http://....

    Columns width will be resizable, so you can display only first column if you like.

  4. jsbien reporter

    Title=Entry? What is subtitle? The third field? I still would prefer to display it only for the current entry in the bottom of the panel. Perhaps URL can be also displayed there. If the columns can be conveniently hidden, we can have all 4 of them, but in the order: entry (first field), "properties" (the new 4th field), comment (the 3rd field), URL.

  5. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    As far as I understand, the suggestion was to have: Entry name, Old comment, URL, New comment which seems very confusing to me, so I tried to suggest some user-friendly names.

    I assume the new comment should be displayed in square brackets after the title, shouldn't it?

    Also, old comment should be somehow visible, at least for current item.

  6. jsbien reporter

    Our comments crossed. As for the brackets, I think now there should be just included in the content of the 4rd field (let's call it property field), this allow to use several kinds of brackets if needed.

  7. jsbien reporter

    I will try to summarize once again, as there are some inconsistencies in my previous comments.

    The columns:

    1. A "comment icon" used in the present version or empty, signaling a non empty comment. The comment itself automatically visible in the bottom of the panel, and in the usually hidden separate column

    2. Entry

    3. Properties (the new comment)

    4. Comment

    5. URL

    However, if possible, the entry and its properties should be displayed concatenated in a single column.

  8. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    OK, it is now closer to my understanding, but:

    1. What do we need a comment icon for if Comment column will be next to entry? if you care about comments, it is enough to make a few letters of the Comment column visible to quickly see if there is a comment, there is no need to waste space for icon.
    2. Why repeat comment in the bottom panel if it will be visible next to Entry? It seems a bad position to me, as it requires to look at two places (Entry at the top and Comment at the bottom).
    3. Merging comment and property is OK (with space, not with brackets?) but Properties doesn't look like a good name to me, especially it does not explain why it will be merged with entry title (that's why I suggested subtitle).
  9. jsbien reporter

    Ad 3. I'm glad merging (with space) is not a problem. The name refers to possible future use, it may contain e.g. part of speech etc. Subtitle is wrong because "title" does not seem good for the entry, and subentry would mean something completely different. What about "description" (opis)?

  10. jsbien reporter

    Ad 1 and 2.

    Please remember I have made already several thousand of entries by hand and spent many hours working with the program. It's my intuition that the proposed solution will be convenient, so the question is whether it is relatively easy to implement.

  11. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    Then the columns are not needed at all, bottom comment panel is enough.

    I don't like this solution, but it can be implemented.

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