Display metadata as tooltips

Issue #55 resolved
jsbien created an issue

I make a separate issue as it seems an independent task.

Comments (12)

  1. jsbien reporter

    I'm not sure now it is trivial. I'm afraid the efficient implementation requires circumventing marasca and contacting the server directly. Using the Poliqarp protocol instead of parsing the marasca web pages would be good also for other reasons, but it means complete redesign of djview4poliqarp :-(

  2. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    What exactly should we display and where? The data from metadata panel in a tooltip for current item preview?

  3. jsbien reporter

    Actually I would prefer to mimic marasca and display the tooltips also in the text concordances panel, but I understand from issue #57 that it is technically difficult.

  4. Michał Rudolf repo owner

    The server needs to be contacted for each tooltip so for now just let user know he can click on a number to see metadata.

  5. jsbien reporter

    The seem seems to work only in the text results panel, besides it behaves slightly strangely (more comments during next talk/meeting).

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