segmentation fault

Issue #6 closed
Former user created an issue

Apparently, this library crashes randomly. Since I sometimes get a classifier that works very well, I am thinking I use the library correctly:

One example: Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x0000000000558175 in Kernel::dot (px=0xa36ff0, py=0xa36ff0) at svm.cpp:301 301 sum += px->value * py->value; (gdb) where #0 0x0000000000558175 in Kernel::dot (px=0xa36ff0, py=0xa36ff0) at svm.cpp:301 #1 0x000000000055a459 in SVC_Q::SVC_Q ( y_=0x9df4f0 '\001' <repeats 48 times>, '\377' <repeats 152 times>..., param=..., prob=..., this=0x7fffffffd360) at svm.cpp:1276 #2 solve_c_svc (Cn=0.0031250000000000002, Cp=0.03125, si=0x7fffffffd330, alpha=0x7fffb94fa010, param=0xa13000, prob=0x7fffffffd650) at svm.cpp:1458 #3 svm_train_one (prob=prob@entry=0x7fffffffd650, param=param@entry=0xa13000, Cp=Cp@entry=0.03125, Cn=0.0031250000000000002) at svm.cpp:1656 #4 0x000000000055d893 in svm_train (prob=prob@entry=0x9f5ec0, param=param@entry=0xa13000) at svm.cpp:2217 #5 0x0000000000556253 in svm_train_stub (v_prob=140736338603696, v_param=140736376142384) at libsvm_stubs.cpp:400 #6 0x0000000000416df7 in camlLibsvm__train_inner_9202 () at lib/ #7 0x0000000000410b8a in camlSvm__fun_3166 () at src/ #8 0x000000000041232a in camlUtls__wall_clock_time_1858 () at src/ #9 0x00000000004106b0 in camlSvm__train_test_2209 () at src/ #10 0x0000000000411046 in camlSvm__entry () at src/ #11 0x0000000000407a09 in caml_program () #12 0x000000000059feea in caml_start_program () #13 0x000000000058645d in caml_startup_exn (argv=0x7fffffffdb78) at startup.c:144 #14 0x0000000000586499 in caml_startup (argv=<optimized out>) at startup.c:149 #15 0x00000000005864c2 in caml_main (argv=<optimized out>) at startup.c:158 #16 0x0000000000406cbc in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at main.c:37

Another one: Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x0000000000558145 in Kernel::dot (px=0x9d57f0, py=0xa4d000) at svm.cpp:297 297 svm.cpp: No such file or directory. (gdb) where #0 0x0000000000558145 in Kernel::dot (px=0x9d57f0, py=0xa4d000) at svm.cpp:297 #1 0x000000000055fb33 in SVC_Q::get_Q (this=0x7fffffffd360, i=47, len=20848) at svm.cpp:1286 #2 0x0000000000556ff6 in Solver::select_working_set (this=0x7fffffffd3c0, out_i=@0x7fffffffd270: 10576416, out_j=@0x7fffffffd274: 0) at svm.cpp:823 #3 0x0000000000558b7d in Solver::Solve (this=this@entry=0x7fffffffd3c0, l=l@entry=20848, Q=..., p_=p_@entry=0x7fffb94d1010, y_=y_@entry=0x9da980 '\001' <repeats 48 times>, '\377' <repeats 152 times>..., alpha_=alpha_@entry=0x7fffb94fa010, Cp=Cp@entry=0.03125, Cn=Cn@entry=0.0031250000000000002, eps=eps@entry=0.001, si=0x7fffffffd330, shrinking=1) at svm.cpp:576 #4 0x000000000055a4ba in solve_c_svc (Cn=0.0031250000000000002, Cp=0.03125, si=0x7fffffffd330, alpha=0x7fffb94fa010, param=0xa15f50, prob=0x7fffffffd650) at svm.cpp:1459 #5 svm_train_one (prob=prob@entry=0x7fffffffd650, param=param@entry=0xa15f50, Cp=Cp@entry=0.03125, Cn=0.0031250000000000002) at svm.cpp:1656 #6 0x000000000055d893 in svm_train (prob=prob@entry=0xa00160, param=param@entry=0xa15f50) at svm.cpp:2217 #7 0x0000000000556253 in svm_train_stub (v_prob=140736338603616, v_param=140736376142328) at libsvm_stubs.cpp:400 #8 0x0000000000416df7 in camlLibsvm__train_inner_9202 () at lib/ #9 0x0000000000410b8a in camlSvm__fun_3166 () at src/ #10 0x000000000041232a in camlUtls__wall_clock_time_1858 () at src/ #11 0x00000000004106b0 in camlSvm__train_test_2209 () at src/ #12 0x0000000000411046 in camlSvm__entry () at src/ #13 0x0000000000407a09 in caml_program () #14 0x000000000059feea in caml_start_program () #15 0x000000000058645d in caml_startup_exn (argv=0x7fffffffdb78) at startup.c:144 #16 0x0000000000586499 in caml_startup (argv=<optimized out>) at startup.c:149 #17 0x00000000005864c2 in caml_main (argv=<optimized out>) at startup.c:158 #18 0x0000000000406cbc in main (argc=<optimized out>, argv=<optimized out>) at main.c:37

My ocaml code: Svm.train ~c:0.03125 ~cachesize:4096.0 ~kernel:`LINEAR ~weights:[(-1, 0.1);(1, 1.0)] ( -1: inactive label; +1: active label ) problem)

Regards, F.

Comments (7)

  1. Philippe Veber

    Same problem here. More precisely, I get a segfault when calling a Svm.Problem.create twice in the same process, and I get the following message:

    double free or corruption (!prev)

    which makes a lot of sense, but also shows my problem is unrelated with François’s. In my case there might be something wrong with finalisation.

  2. Philippe Veber

    I think I found the problem, which is indeed related to garbage collection. Here an example that fails for me:

    open Core_kernel
    let () =
      let open Lacaml.D in
      let d = 50 in
      let n = 20 in
      let x_pos = Array.init n ~f:(fun _ -> Array.init d ~f:(fun _ -> Random.float 1.)) in
      let x_neg = Array.init n ~f:(fun _ -> Array.init d ~f:(fun _ -> Random.float 1.)) in
      let x = Mat.of_array (Array.append x_pos x_neg) in
      let y = Vec.init (2 * n) (fun i -> if i < n then 1. else 0.) in
      let _prob = Libsvm.Svm.Problem.create ~x ~y in
      Gc.full_major () ;

    So the problem has to do with svm problem creation.

    Let’s have a look there:

    CAMLprim value svm_problem_x_set_stub(value v_prob, value v_x)
      CAMLparam2(v_prob, v_x);
      Svm_problem_val(v_prob)->x = Svm_node_matrix_val(v_x);

    v_prob is passed the C data contained in v_x but there is no means to say to the GC that it holds a pointer on this data. Now there:

        let create_gen x y ~f =
          let n_samples = Mat.dim1 x in
          let n_feats = Mat.dim2 x in
          let x' = Mat.transpose_copy x in
          let m = Stub.svm_node_matrix_create n_samples in
          let v = Stub.double_array_create n_samples in
          for i = 1 to n_samples do
            let x_row = Mat.col x' i in
            Stub.svm_node_matrix_set m (i-1) (f x_row);
            Stub.double_array_set v (i-1) y.{i}
          let prob = Stub.svm_problem_create () in
          Stub.svm_problem_l_set prob n_samples;
          Stub.svm_problem_x_set prob m;
          Stub.svm_problem_y_set prob v;
          { n_samples;

    After create_gen is called the GC thinks it can reclaim m and its associated data, which it can't since the output of the function has a pointer on it. And when the call to full_major comes, you get an error from free.

  3. Philippe Veber

    I started a branch to fix the problem, and it involves quite a few changes: this pattern of two ocaml values sharing C memory is repeated for several data structures and IMHO has to be changed. I’m pretty confident I can produce a proposal fix, but as it involves still some work, I’d like you to confirm (or not) you’re willing to consider a (big) patch. If possible, don’t wait too long in answering, I have a very tiny time frame to work on this, and it’s better I resume while I still have things clear in mind!

  4. Oliver Gu repo owner

    Hi Philippe, I would be happy to accept a patch that solves this issue. Please go ahead when you have the time.

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