XLIFF2 Lib: Fragment#toXLIFF does not escape a sequence "]]>"

Issue #1000 resolved
ysavourel created an issue

Original report, copied from https://bitbucket.org/okapiframework/xliff-toolkit/issues/36/fragment-toxliff-does-not-escape-a:

net.sf.okapi.lib.xliff2.core.Fragment has a method toXLIFF(). This code writes out content of fragment to XLFF stream. However, the implementation write out a sequence “]]>” without escaping. In this case, the output XLIFF becomes a malformed XML.

I tried Rainbow to create a translation kit with XLIFF2 for a test plain text file - with content:

This is a test ]]>

The XLIFF file produced for this input is below:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0" version="2.0" srcLang="en-US" trgLang="fr-FR" xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its" xmlns:itsxlf="http://www.w3.org/ns/its-xliff/" its:version="2.0">
 <file id="f1" original="/D:/tmp/text/test1.txt">
  <unit id="1">
    <source xml:space="preserve">This is a test ]]></source>

XMLReader.validate() returns an error for this file - lineNumber: 6; columnNumber: 52; The character sequence "]]>" must not appear in content unless used to mark the end of a CDATA section.

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