Table filter: Merge step does not keep edited translation

Issue #1128 open
Manuel Souto Pico created an issue

I can create the translated XLIFF file from a 3-column CSV file including a source, target and comment.

After I edit the file, I create a new empty Rainbow project, I drag the manifest there and run the post-processing step.

I get no errors but when I look at the done CSV file, the translation seems to be fetched from the original CSV file and not from the translated *.csv.xlf file.

I am attaching a bundle containing the source file, the rainbow project, the filter and the translation kit.

Official response

  • jhargrave-straker

    I have run these files using the translated string and a golden file (properly translated original). The test passes. I have pushed my testing updates to dev. Check out: net.sf.okapi.roundtrip.integration.RoundTripTableIT#debug

    We now have a way to add tests that simulate a real translation. In the future I will use this method as much as possible to give us better coverage.

    This looks to be a Rainbow issue - which means it’s probably a Tikal issue too. But AFAIK these clients use the same code to merge as our IT tests.

Comments (8)

  1. Chase Tingley

    I’m not sure this is a duplicate – I still see this bug, but #1153 has a PR attached to it that was merged a while ago @Jim Hargrave

  2. jhargrave-straker

    Strange, this is exactly the same problem as 1153. I am going to upgrade the integration tests so we can accept an xliff golden file so we will catch these going forward. Will debug and fix this issue asap.

  3. jhargrave-straker

    I have run these files using the translated string and a golden file (properly translated original). The test passes. I have pushed my testing updates to dev. Check out: net.sf.okapi.roundtrip.integration.RoundTripTableIT#debug

    We now have a way to add tests that simulate a real translation. In the future I will use this method as much as possible to give us better coverage.

    This looks to be a Rainbow issue - which means it’s probably a Tikal issue too. But AFAIK these clients use the same code to merge as our IT tests.

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