Option for treating all content as xml:space='preserve' for XLIFF filter

Issue #207 resolved
Former user created an issue

Original [issue 207](https://code.google.com/p/okapi/issues/detail?id=207) created by @ysavourel on 2012-01-26T17:48:05.000Z:

It would be nice to have an option to force the XLIFF filter to treat all <source> and <target> content has if xml:space='preserve' was set.

Some tools generate output without specifying xml:space and assume it is preserved. Which technically is not wrong since 'default' can preserve. But it's not very inter-operable.

Comments (4)

  1. Chase Tingley

    This is a problem we've encountered when dealing with SDLXLIFF and the old Idiom (iws:*) XLIFF that comes out of WorldServer. Both set xml:space='default' and then treat line breaks as significant. A filter-level option would be a decent way to fix this (and we could set it as part of the dedicated sdlxliff config.)

  2. Chase Tingley

    The fix adds the {{preserveSpaceByDefault}} option to the XLIFF filter, which will force the filter to always assume that whitespace should be preserved.

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