MicorsoftMTConnector throws errors for certain strings...

Issue #423 resolved
Former user created an issue

Original issue 423 created by @ysavourel on 2014-11-17T18:54:53.000Z:

Is the escaping and preparation for the MT service correct?

Look through attached log for "Failed to get Microsoft Translator access token after 5 tries"

Some strings are javascript blocks. Maybe MS has checks for scripts and rejects them. But I still suspect we may need to tweak our preparation.

Comments (3)

  1. Chase Tingley

    One thing I've noticed from working with this connector is that the error handling is not great - it often reports unrelated failures as "failed to get access token". Sometimes there's a message or code that's swallowed.

    One case where I think I saw this happen was when exceeding the 10k character limit for a batch request.

  2. Chase Tingley

    I did some quick re-testing (M32), these calls are completing now using batchQueryText. The input looks pretty garbled/badly filtered. I'm going to close this for now -- if you are still seeing this problem, hopefully the logging will be better.

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