PPTX: Expose comments

Issue #448 resolved
Former user created an issue

Original issue 448 created by @ysavourel on 2015-03-02T22:28:31.000Z:

It's possible that this enhancement might cover all OOXML file types if it's implemented generically; it was specifically requested for PPTX, so that's how I filed it.

The attached PPTX file has two comment annotations attached, one on the title slide and one on the body slide. These are not produced for translation. I've had a user request for exposing these, although I'm not entirely sure about the use case. This would need to be optional behavior (and I think disabled by default), as not all users would want to take advantage of this.

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment 1. originally posted by @ysavourel on 2015-03-03T19:22:11.000Z:

    For reference, "Translate Comments" does work for DOCX, so this is PPTX-specific.

  2. Chase Tingley
    • changed status to open

    Ack, I fell victim to the mistake of asserting against the TextContainer.toString() method (which flattens code data). This option isn't actually fixed.

  3. Chase Tingley

    Fix Issue #448 (take 2)

    The previous "fix" for this was exposing the content inside a
    code -- I was fooled by a bad unittest.  This fixes it, in a
    fairly hacky way.  The OpenXMLContentFilter code isn't well-suited
    to being overloaded with different types of content like it
    currently is...

    → <<cset 05cdc067a34e>>

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