Rainbow: table to XLIFF to table results in empty target column.

Issue #511 resolved
Former user created an issue

I use Rainbow 6.0.28 on Windows, with Java 1.8.0_60. Steps to reproduce:

  1. Add input_example.txt to input list 1. This is a simple csv file, containing 4 columns, with single tabs as delimiters.
  2. Set okf_table@custom.fprm as the filter configuration. This is an adaptation of the default csv filter, with columns 3 and 4 mapped to source and target, respectively.
  3. Select Utilities > Translation Kit Creation.
  4. Generate a Generic XLIFF package.
  5. In the resulting XLIFF file, change some of the target text.
  6. Add the manifest file to input list 1.
  7. Select Utilities > Translation Kit Post-Processing.
  8. Execute the pipeline.
  9. Open the resulting translated file.
  10. Notice that the 'target' column has disappeared completely.

If this is not a bug and I am simply doing something wrong, please let me know.

Comments (18)

  1. ysavourel

    I can reproduce the issue. Even when I fix the parameters file to set the source field of the target to 3 (instead of 1).

    It seems to be related to empty targets, as when a target exists in the original file it gets saved (modified or not).

  2. Wouter Veeken

    Hi @ysavourel, I am the OP. Thanks for responding. Do you know if someone will be trying to fix this? Can you suggest a good workaround? I worry that just putting a dummy character in the target column will lead to problems in various CAT tools and TMs...

  3. ysavourel

    I'd like to fix it. But I don't have any time. I'll try to find some time in the coming days. Yes, a dummy character would likely have some side effects.

  4. ysavourel

    I've managed to find the time to make a unit test that reproduce the issue and isolate where the problem is: Basically the TU is flagged a referent and the GenericSkeletonWriter from which the CSVSkeletonWriter is derived is (correctly) skipping over such entries. I haven't written this filter and it's a complicated one (lots of derived classes), so I'll have to dive more into the code to see if it can be fixed.

  5. Wouter Veeken

    Thanks for the update, @ysavourel! It would be really great if this can be fixed; I have some colleagues that will be helped tremendously. :)

  6. Emre Akkas

    Here is a working (though relatively ugly) workaround. I tested and it works.

    1. Use your original tsv/csv to the do the conversion, translate your XLIFF
    2. Under the project/original folder copy your source column to target
    3. Run translation post processing

    Obviously, if your original csv/tsv does not contain any translated text you could do step 2 at the very beginning,

  7. Fredrik L

    Allow empty targets (enclosed with quotes). Resolves Issue #511.

    Note: It works if there are enclosing qualifiers without content but not when there are no qualifiers at all. That will take a lot more time to change.

    → <<cset 72a725175e62>>

  8. Wouter Veeken

    Thanks, @fliden! Does this mean the fix is in the current downloadable version or will I have to wait until a new release is issued?

  9. Former user Account Deleted

    Hello guys,

    Is there any update on empty targets with no qualifiers? If not, is there any workaround that would work without modifying the source document? ( without copying source into target etc. )


  10. Chase Tingley

    Hi @kaandemirel,

    Can you open a new issue on this with complete steps to reproduce? This bug is a couple years old and I admit my memory of it is pretty fuzzy.

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