ICML filter: <Br /> element should create a new segment by default

Issue #534 resolved
Martn Wunderl created an issue

The attached ICML file has a bullet list with four items. When I run this through a segmentation-only pipeline in Rainbow using the current ICML filter, I get a single segment in the result XLIFF file. My expectation would be that one segment per item on the bullet list is created. I think the default behavior of the filter should be to create a new segment on each <Br/> element.

Comments (6)

  1. ysavourel

    The ICML filter is based on the IDML filter and this issue is related to issues #245 and #471.

    The bottom line is that we have not been able to really tackle this problem so far, mostly because the current structure often causes merging errors.

  2. Martn Wunderl reporter

    OK, thank you, Yves, for the background information. Good to know that others have noticed this also.

  3. Martn Wunderl reporter

    this one seems to be down to a hard-coded filter parameter in net.sf.okapi.filters.icml.Parameters:

    newTuOnBr = false;

    need to set this parameter correctly for the unit test....

  4. Martn Wunderl reporter

    The filter configuration can be adjusted by adding a .fprm file with newTuOnBr = true and adding a filter mapping to the pipeline. Issue can be closed.

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