OpenXML: Document becomes corrupt during merge

Issue #536 resolved
Chase Tingley created an issue

When the attached document is round-tripped, it produces a target file that is corrupt and fails to open in Word.

Reproducible in tikal on M30 dev:

/Applications/okapi-apps_cocoa-macosx-x86_64_0.30-SNAPSHOT/ -fc okf_openxml -x Marketing.docx
/Applications/okapi-apps_cocoa-macosx-x86_64_0.30-SNAPSHOT/ -fc okf_openxml -m Marketing.docx.xlf

Comments (5)

  1. Chase Tingley reporter

    This is entity corruption in the docProps/core.xml part:

    <cp:lastModifiedBy>Patrick & Rebecca</cp:lastModifiedBy>
  2. Chase Tingley reporter

    I'm just making a note here that I bet the code in issue #532 will similarly break if an & is used in a sheet name. The old OpenXMLContentFilter (which is not used for much any more) is very vulnerable to this.

  3. Chase Tingley reporter

    My fear about the Excel sheet name case was unfounded, that works fine. I have a fix for this.

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