Cannot save in Checkmate Pre-defined pipeline QA check setting exported from Rainbow

Issue #548 resolved
Wei JIANG created an issue

Hi Yves,

Cah you please check this?

I have a pre-defined pipeline QA check setting exported from Rainbow - qa_us_sch_20141103.qccfg. When I import it into Checkmate, I can properly use it, but I cannot save the Checkmate session correctly - an error box always pops up - 2016-06-16.png - and the saved file - dd.qcs - is incomplete/damaged. You can find all the mentioned files in the attached zip package.

Thanks, Wei

Comments (12)

  1. ysavourel

    The issue is that the CheckMate session is a binary file, saved using DataOutputStream and more specifically writeUTF(). There is a 64K size limit in the size of the string that function can write, and the string containing all the configuration parameters in more than 500K, so we get an error.

    There is no quick work around this. I'll work on it this week-end.

    Meanwhile, in your specific file most of the size is due to the patterns settings which are disabled. So maybe you can delete the patterns in that configuration since they are not used. This should bring down the size significantly. Then you should be able to save the session.

  2. Wei JIANG reporter

    Actually, I would need those patterns - it just so happened that I turned them off when I was trying to find out about the issue.

  3. Wei JIANG reporter

    And I had always wanted to see a feature of putting bulksized patterns in a separate file for Checkmate/Rainbow to use...

  4. ysavourel

    It was faster than I thought to fix the problem. So there should be a fix available within a few hours. But the session files with large configurations like this will not be backward compatible with previous versions of CheckMate.

  5. Wei JIANG reporter

    Actually, I have another question - who would have access to files attached to an issue ticket? I am a little concerned about privacy here.

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