XLIFF filter skips some phase tag attributes in output file

Issue #561 resolved
Nikolai Vladimirov created an issue

Given the example XLIFF 1.2 content from the wiki page on XLIFF:


<xliff version="1.2">
 <file original="Graphic Example.psd"
  source-language="en-US" target-language="ja-JP"
  tool="Rainbow" datatype="photoshop">
    <external-file uid="3BB236513BB24732" href="Graphic Example.psd.skl"/>
    <phase phase-name="extract" process-name="extraction"
     tool="Rainbow" date="20010926T152258Z"
     company-name="NeverLand Inc." job-id="123"
     contact-name="Peter Pan" contact-email="ppan@example.com">
     <note>Make sure to use the glossary I sent you yesterday.
   <trans-unit id="1" maxbytes="14">
    <source xml:lang="en-US">Quetzal</source>
    <target xml:lang="ja-JP">Quetzal</target>
   <trans-unit id="3" maxbytes="114">
    <source xml:lang="en-US">An application to manipulate and 
     process XLIFF documents</source>
    <target xml:lang="ja-JP">XLIFF 文書を編集、または処理
   <trans-unit id="4" maxbytes="36">
    <source xml:lang="en-US">XLIFF Data Manager</source>
    <target xml:lang="ja-JP">XLIFF データ・マネージャ</target>

When processed with rainbow's test tool the phase data is lost:

    <external-file uid="3BB236513BB24732" href="Graphic Example.psd.skl"></external-file>
   </skl><phase-group><phase phase-name="extract" process-name="extraction"></phase></phase-group><note>Make sure to use the glossary I sent you yesterday.


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