TableFilter - empty target columns are disappearing

Issue #642 new
Former user created an issue


We are using Rainbow 6.0.33 on Mac with Java ver 1.8.0_112. Steps to reproduce:

1) Add emptyTarget.csv to the Input List 1. CSV contains two columns, source in English, empty target in Italian, respectively. Select Italian as the target language from Languages and Encodings tab.

2) Select okf_table@copy-of-csv.fprm as the configuration.

3) Select Utilities -> Translation Kit Creation and generate a Generic XLIFF package.

4) In the resulting XLIFF file, change some of the target text.

5) Add the manifest file to Input List 1.

6) Select Utilities -> Translation Kit Post-Processing.

7) Execute the pipeline.

8) Open the resulting translated file and notice that the 'target' column has disappeared completely.

As mentioned here before, quotation solves the issue, but we were wondering if there are any updates on empty targets with no qualifiers?

If not, is there any workaround that would work without modifying the source document? ( without copying source into target etc. )


Comments (7)

  1. Chase Tingley

    Copying some info over from the old ticket. Analysis from @ysavourel:

    I've managed to find the time to make a unit test that reproduce the issue and isolate where the problem is: Basically the TU is flagged a referent and the GenericSkeletonWriter from which the CSVSkeletonWriter is derived is (correctly) skipping over such entries. I haven't written this filter and it's a complicated one (lots of derived classes), so I'll have to dive more into the code to see if it can be fixed.

    Fredrik did the original fix on this, he said it would be difficult to do the full one.

  2. Frank Kuhnke

    Looks like the the behavior has not changed with 6.0.37.

    Are there any plans to do something about this? Or can somebody suggest a workaround?


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