Microsoft MT: remove AddTranslation/AddTranslationsArray calls and Microsoft Batch Submission step

Issue #661 resolved
Chase Tingley created an issue

These functions are being disabled on January 31, 2018 as part of compliance with an EU privacy regulation. See

Recommended actions Translator Text API: If your code is calling the AddTranslation or AddTranslationArray functions, please remove those calls. The other collaborative methods of the Translator Text API will continue to work (GetTranslations/GetTranslationsArray and Translate/TranslateArray), returning your previously submitted content. Use the Microsoft Translator Hub and the Translator Hub API to customize translations. The document handling of the Translator Hub is fully GDPR-compliant.

Our connector currently implements and exposes calls to these methods for client use.

Comments (6)

  1. Chase Tingley reporter

    I have opened a pull request to remove this stuff from M35. I'm open to the suggestion that we should keep it as long as it works and remove it in M36.

  2. Chase Tingley reporter

    Fix issue #661: remove AddTranslation/AddTranslationsArray from MS MT

    These calls are being permanently removed on January 31, 2018:
    This also removes functionality which depended on this feature:
    - The MS Batch Submission Step has been removed.
    - The '-a' option has been removed from Tikal, since it whas only
      supported for the Microsoft connector.

    → <<cset 0e921e9e786b>>

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