Automatically disambiguate XLIFF 1.2 and XLIFF 2 from .xlf/.xliff files

Issue #690 resolved
Chase Tingley created an issue

This is an issue for Longhorn and anything else that uses file extension mappings. XLIFF 1.2 and 2.x both use the same file extensions (.xlf, .xliff), so currently these solutions can only handle one type or another. The workaround is to use bespoke extensions like .xlf2 which are not consistently supported by other tools.

It would be very neat if Okapi could disambiguate these types itself by looking at the xliff element itself. Doing this cleanly might become an issue, however. I'm not sure if it makes the most sense to do this in the filters themselves, or in something else like a pipeline step.

Comments (5)

  1. Chase Tingley reporter

    Fix issue #690 - Distinguish XLIFF 1.2 from XLIFF 2.0

    This adds a new filter, okf_autoxliff, that sniffs XLIFF files
    and then delegates all operations to the XLIFF 1.2 or XLIFF 2.0
    filter, as needed.

    → <<cset 9c1b32d85a0f>>

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