Markdown Filter: Table is not extracted properly and is shown in rows.

Issue #728 resolved
Deepak created an issue

This is extension of the bug #687

The table is defined as follows

| Hello | World |
| How | are you? |  

While extracting and merging, the rows after table separator are not extracted properly table-extraction.png

The reason for the issue being a newline added after the table separator "|---|---|" in the merged file.

Comments (6)

  1. Kuro Kurosaka

    I don't see this bug with the latest dev in my environment on Mac. Did you see this before your work on issue #726?

    If this bug was introduced by your work on issue #726 and your code has not been merged yet, you don't need to file a bug. Just change your fix.

    If you saw this was happening before your work, are you working on Windows?

  2. Kuro Kurosaka

    Thank you for the information. It seems that the way newlines are handled need to be changed. This filter was developed mostly on Mac and it wasn't tested on Windows much.

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