The net\sf\okapi\lib\tkit classes are missing from okapi-lib-0.36.jar in the M36 Okapi_Lib distro

Issue #787 invalid
Mike Bryant created an issue

The classes at net\sf\okapi\lib\tkit are not present in okapi-lib-0.36.jar. Is this an oversight or have they been moved someplace? They still exist in the sources.

Comments (3)

  1. ysavourel

    The tkit package has been removed from the distribution as of M36. See for information here: (comments 2 and after). M35 is now also available in Maven Central.

    A couple of classes that are still used (for merging) have been moved in another package: the merge library (net.sf.okapi.lib.merge). See!searchin/okapi-devel/tkit%7Csort:date/okapi-devel/1DphVTG5v_0/rUZf_BDwAgAJ

  2. Mike Bryant reporter

    Thank you so much for the quick response, YvesS! I was able to make a one line change to port from M34 to M36.

    import net.sf.okapi.lib.merge.step.OriginalDocumentXliffMergerStep;
  3. Mike Bryant reporter

    The net.sf.okapi.lib.tkit package missing from M36 is intentional. The merge classes that were moved to net.sf.okapi.lib.merge worked for me.

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