OpenXMLZipFilterWriter - removed no argument constructor

Issue #809 resolved
Philipp created an issue

The no argument constructor for the OpenXMLZipFilterWriter has been removed in version M37. The comment left above the constructor in M36 is: "We must have a no-arg constructor for the kit serialization will work. In this case, we create local factory instances." Kit serialization isn´t my case but I guess many pipelines will still rely on the ability to initialize any writer w/o arguments and pass arguments later on, e.g., with the setParameters method. Is there any reason you removed the no argument constructor? If not, could you please add it again?

Comments (2)

  1. Chase Tingley

    That comment (which I wrote in 2015) applies to a problem that no longer exists, as we sort of deprecated all the kit serialization code.

    However, this request seems reasonable.

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