MT Connector overwrites translations even if they are CM or 100% matches

Issue #911 resolved
mzeid created an issue

Hello Okapi team,

I am using MMT connector, and it overwrites strings that have Context Matches (CM) or 100% matches, even if I have the option “Only if target is empty“. Please see the settings in the attached screen shot. Is there anything wrong in my settings?

The file type is sdlxliff.

Thanks in advance for your support.

Comments (9)

  1. Chase Tingley

    I think this is a bug in the Leveraging Step, rather than the MMT connector itself. It looks like LeveragingStep never checks the getFillIfTargetIsEmpty parameter value and doesn’t pass it on to the QueryManager. Basically, this option appears to be broken. cc @ysavourel

  2. mzeid reporter

    Thanks a million @ysavourel

    Can you please point me to the version that has this fix?


  3. mzeid reporter

    Thank you so much @ysavourel

    I downloaded, and I believe this is it.

    Thanks again!

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