OpenXML Filter: XLSX: extract inline strings for translation

Issue #982 resolved
Denis Konovalyenko created an issue

Worksheets may keep not only references to shared strings and formulas but contain inline strings. Please take a look at the corresponding part below:

        <row r="2" spans="1:1" x14ac:dyDescent="0.25">
            <c r="A2" t="inlineStr">
                        <t xml:space="preserve">Rich text inline with </t>
                            <sz val="11"/>
                            <color theme="1"/>
                            <rFont val="Times New Roman"/>
                            <family val="1"/>
                            <charset val="204"/>
                        <t>Times New Roman</t>

There is no support for such strings extraction at the moment. For more details please refer to the attached document.

Comments (9)

  1. Denis Konovalyenko reporter

    The meaning of bPreferenceTranslateExcelSheetNames filter parameter has to be taken into account.

  2. Handika Dwi

    If I straight up extract the xlsx file, the inline string part is not extracted. If I open and save it on Excel 2019 first, the inline part is extracted. So I think older version of Excel spins up this issue. The OpenXML filter works best if a user has their Office fully updated. May I know which Excel version you are using to produce this issue, Denis?

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