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Okapi / EclipseLocalisationPlatform

Why Eclipse RCP?

  • Plug-in mechanism
  • Preferences system
  • Help system
  • Proven & actively developed platform
  • Good IDE support & Visual editors
  • Automatic updates mechanisms
  • JFace wizards, dialogs, forms UI
  • Existing reusable plugins (editors, views)
  • Cross platform



Eclipse Localisation Platform

Data Models

  • Localisation Project Model
    • Based on PackageFormat
  • Filter model
  • Translation resource model
    • Translation Memory
    • Terminology Databases and Dictionaries
    • Machine Translation

Features / Plugins

  • Translation Editor
  • Project Management
  • Translation Memory Management
  • Internal Translation Memory Engine
  • Internal Terminology Database
  • Filters


  • Project Tree / Navigator View
  • Translation Reuse View
    • Suggested matches from TM/MT
  • Terminology View
    • Suggested Terminology from Termbases/Dictionaries


  • Extensible Translation Editor
    • Default Table based Editor
    • Extensions to support e.g. Visual Editing
  • TM editor
  • Project Editor
    • Add resources
    • Manage extensions

Extension Points

  • Filters
    • Wizard based converter
    • Based on configuration files not linked to RCP, can be reused on server or stored in PackageFormat.
    • File -> Import/Export ... allows e.g. direct translation of a document and regenerating the translated document.
  • Translation Editors
    • Adds a tab to switch between editors
    • Allow user/application preferences for which editor to use for which content type
  • PackageFormat plug-ins
    • Customized / value-added functionality
    • Adding labels to projects
    • allow online-translation of content via a repository
  • Validators
    • Content-based validators
    • Linked to PackageFormat
  • Translation Resources such as remote TM engines and repositories


  • Translation Perspective
  • Project Management Perspective
  • Translation Memory Management Perspective


  • We could possibly split these into two separate applications, one for Translators, one for Localisation Engineers/Managers.
  • Allow vendors to build products on top of "ELP"?
  • E.g. for a Linux distro, it would be great to ship a platform where the product is customized with the required plug-ins to
    • register as a translator
    • tools to list what needs translation
    • collaboration tools (embedded chat, irc)
  • Encourage extensibility
