GitLab CI: run reports for the code quality, static and dynamic security testing

Issue #26 new
Denis Konovalyenko created an issue

The original message was here.

Consider running the code quality, static and dynamic security testing.

Mihai's reply was here.

I like that.

We also have a couple of profiles in superpom/pom.xml ( reports and errorprone) that check for a lot of stuff. And I also know there is a reporting tool that can tell you if the current artifacts are source / binary incompatible with the previous version (looking at the bytecode to check the class / method signatures)

Would be maybe nice to run a nightly report, or so.

Comments (1)

  1. Denis Konovalyenko reporter

    In my opinion, the faster you fail the better. So, it would be better to run the appropriate jobs for every commit.

    The implemented solution has to be probably migrated to other projects as well.

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