(ed) [pre ID-1] Be cosnsitent in the Capitalization

Issue #1620 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

For defined terms, be consistent in using capitalization schemes.

Currently, there are cases like “verifiable Credential” and “Verifiable Credential” etc.

It should be consistently either “Verifiable Credential” or “verifiable credential”.

It is not only for this combination, but there are other word combinations as well.

Comments (7)

  1. Kristina Yasuda

    Usage of both “Verifiable Credential” or “verifiable credential” was actually intentional. with capitalized “Verifiable Credential“ referring to W3C VC data model and lower-case “verifiable credential“ referring more generally to any credential format supported by the VCI spec.

    but agreed this needs to be more explicit.

  2. Nat Sakimura reporter

    That distinction will be lost in translation. Relying on capitalization for something that is different does not carry through well.

    Perhaps you can turn “Verifiable Credential” to “W3C Verified Credential”, etc.

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