OpenID4VCI: typos in draft 10, Section 8 to Appendix C

Issue #1786 resolved
Takahiko Kawasaki created an issue

8.2. Batch Credential Response

The format of the list of response parameters in the HTML file is broken. The markdown should be fixed (probably an empty line should be inserted before credential_responses).

8.3. Batch Credential Error Response, the 1st paragraph

with a HTTP status code → with an HTTP status code

10.2. Credential Issuer Metadata, the 2nd paragraph

The way the wallet → The way the Wallet

10.2.3. Credential Issuer Metadata Parameters, authorization_server

If this element is omited → If this element is omitted

10.2.3. Credential Issuer Metadata Parameter, the 2nd paragraph (the paragraph after the 4th bullet)

used to communicates → used to communicate Supported Credentials Object, url and alt_text

The descriptions about url and alt_text in the logo JSON object should be indented properly. Supported Credentials Object, the example


10.3. OAuth Server Metadata, the 1st bullet (pre-authorized_grant_anonymous_access_supported)

without a client id → without a client ID

11.1. Trust between Wallet and Issuer, the 6th paragraph (Client authentication)

the Credential Issuer may establish → The Credential Issuer may establish

11.1. Trust between Wallet and Issuer, the last paragraph

with Credentails registered with → “with credentials registered with” or “with client credentials registered with”. The “Credentials” in the context is different from the “Credential” in the context of VCI, so the first letter should not be capitalized.

11.2.1. Replay Prevention, the 2nd bullet

(as described in Section6.2. → Remove “(“ or append “)”

The Wallet is required to call the token endpoint again to obtain the access token.

If “token endpoint” and “access token” are used like this without capitalization (it’s natural) and it is allowed, all occurrences of “Token Endpoint” and “Access Token” in the document should be changed to “token endpoint” and “access token”.

11.2.2. PIN Code Phishing, the 2nd paragraph

process an Credential Offer → process a Credential Offer

11.3. Credential Lifecycle Management, the 1st paragraph

the Credential Issuer is supposed → The Credential Issuer is supposed

12.3. Multiple Accesses to the Credential Endpoint, the 2nd paragraph

the Credential Issuer may also → The Credential Issuer may also

is longer be valid → is no longer valid

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