Registration: Move invalid_client_id error to section 4.3 Client Read Error Response?

Issue #774 resolved
Vladimir Dzhuvinov created an issue

I noticed a small leftover from the previous spec version, when all requests and error codes were described in a single section - the "invalid_client_id" error listed now under section 3.3 could not actually apply to registration requests; it can only appear in read requests (i.e. section 4.3).

Comments (7)

  1. John Bradley

    Mike please check over my fix, I think it was simple enough, the endpoint returning the error is different as well. I clarified that as well.

  2. John Bradley

    Fixed #774 - removed invalid client_id and made GET return 403 Forbidden. Fixed missing registration_access_url in GET example response. Fixed #776 removed client adding client_id query paramater but make the examples include it as part of the registration_access_url. Fixed #775 Made redirects_uri, contacts, and default_acr_values arrays to match the examples.

    → <<cset e466c61c6037>>

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