Registration meta data: Use JSON arrays where applicable?

Issue #775 resolved
Vladimir Dzhuvinov created an issue

Now that registration meta data is always passed as application/json (no more urlencoded stuff), how about making use of natural JSON arrays for all parameters that can have multiple values?

  • redirect_uris
  • contacts
  • default_acr_values

Comments (6)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    +1, OAuth registration has started in this direction with redirect_uris and grant_type (the latter not directly supported in OIDC at the moment). I'll bring up a note to the OAuth list to make sure people didn't miss this change there, but I think they should be arrays in both places.

    I think the same should be said for the boolean and integer values. The only two I saw were:

    default_max_age: number require_auth_time: boolean

  2. Vladimir Dzhuvinov reporter

    Good catch, Justin, I missed the age and auth_time values, they could also benefit from that.

  3. John Bradley

    I agree, I think it is just a matter of going though them and agreeing on parallel changes to the specs.

    I will go through them and add a recommendation people can respond to.

  4. Michael Jones

    Agreed. I'd meant to do a pass over these before checking in but it was late and I forgot. ;-) I'll do this today, as well as look at the parallel OAuth Registration types and make sure they're in sync.

  5. John Bradley

    Fixed #774 - removed invalid client_id and made GET return 403 Forbidden. Fixed missing registration_access_url in GET example response. Fixed #776 removed client adding client_id query paramater but make the examples include it as part of the registration_access_url. Fixed #775 Made redirects_uri, contacts, and default_acr_values arrays to match the examples.

    → <<cset e466c61c6037>>

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