Messages 2.5 - Clarify middle_name when person has multiple middle names

Issue #793 resolved
Michael Jones created an issue

We should say that when the user has multiple middle names that they can all be included in this claim, separated by space characters.

Comments (3)

  1. Michael Jones reporter

    We will do this. We can also clarify that in some cultures middle name may not make sense and that it's fine to have multiple names in the given_name and family_name claims as well.

  2. Michael Jones reporter

    Fixed #793 - Messages 2.5 - Clarify middle_name when person has multiple middle names Fixed #796 - Messages 2.5 - Clarify family_name when person has multi part family name (Spanish) Fixed #799 - Messages 2.5 - Clarify given_name when person has multi part given name

    → <<cset 70dccc51cc58>>

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