Messages 2.5 - Clarify family_name when person has multi part family name (Spanish)

Issue #796 resolved
John Bradley created an issue

We need to specify that apellido paterno and apellido materno or other multi part family names may be separated by a space in the family_name claim.

The old spanish surname problem, just be thankful we don't need to specify collation rules.

Comments (3)

  1. Michael Jones

    This occurs in Dutch and Flemish names as well, such as "Van Buren" or "van der Velde". We should allow this.

  2. Michael Jones

    Fixed #793 - Messages 2.5 - Clarify middle_name when person has multiple middle names Fixed #796 - Messages 2.5 - Clarify family_name when person has multi part family name (Spanish) Fixed #799 - Messages 2.5 - Clarify given_name when person has multi part given name

    → <<cset 70dccc51cc58>>

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