FAPI part 2 - JWE encrypted ID Tokens

Issue #159 resolved
Torsten Lodderstedt created an issue

§5.2.4,#2 requires confidential clients to request encrypted ID Tokens

What's the reason for this requirement?

Comments (16)

  1. Ralph Bragg

    If OPs can generate different ID Tokens from the "detached signature" to the id_token then encryption is less of an issue. If they can't then the id_token's claims will need to be encrypted if they're sent through the front channel.

    Arguably even the "sub" could be PII or sensitive depending on the value used for it.

  2. Dave Tonge

    I think the wording could be tidied up here. I think the intent is that clients should be able to handle encrypted tokens, not that they are required to request them for every interaction.

  3. Nat Sakimura
    • changed status to open

    Looked at the pull request #65. It is using "shall" instead of "should". Did we agree to it? From what I see on the ticket, it seems that we wanted it to be "should".

    Note: even if the response contains PII (actually, everything is PII at this point anyway), if it only contains a low-risk PII only, unencrypted ID Token may be OK.

  4. Ralph Bragg

    Hi, this needs to be a should not a shall. If a pairwise single use identifier is used then there is no PII that leaks. The OB guidance states that if PII is to be conveyed then it’s a shall.

    Tightening this would have significant implications for existing implementations and whilst I’m all for mandating universally more secure tokens the political capital to get the aspsp’s to fall inline isn’t worth it in my opinion.

    Those that want to be id providers/players will opt in to encrypted towns .

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