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fapi / FAPI_Meeting_Notes_2022-03-09_Atlantic

FAPI WG Meeting Notes (2022-03-09)

The meeting was called to order at 14:04 UTC.

1.   Roll Call (Nat)

  • Attending:
  • Regrets:
  • Guest:

3.   Events (Nat)

3.1.   OSW 2022 (Daniel)

Early bird ticket is available for the next 8 days.

3.2.   IIW Workshop (Mike)

  • April 25
  • Still trying to find the location in Mountain View.
  • Full WS details will be available this week.
  • Working group updates
  • Guest speakers
  • Torsten will give GAIN PoC updates
  • Debbie Bucci on open data initiatives in healthcare.

5.   External Organizations (Nat)

5.1.   U. Stuttgart

FAPI 2.0 security review: delivered contract on Tuesday.

5.2.   Saudi Arabia

Call with Central bank of SA.

5.3.   Berling Group

Next meeting end of April.

7.   PRs (Dave)

7.3.   PR311 - Remove support for hybrid flow

Tending to remove. Please chime in if you think that is not a good idea.

7.4.   PR312 - Make clear that we only support code flow

Change back to "shall support" instead of "shall use".

7.6.   PR315 - FAPI2 iss + JARM (Re: #478)

The text should be modified to make the client not use iss outside JWT.

JARM is not required in FAPI 2.0 Baseline.

7.8.   PR314 (re: #471)

Add explicit clause about lifetime of request_uri

Maybe a good idea but the attacker model does not directly imply that. Also, it may act as a limiting factor for some use-cases.

8.   Issues (Dave)

  • #481 - try to absorb it in FAPI 2.0 Advanced.

9.   AOB (Nat)


The call adjourned at 15:00 UTC
