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fapi / FAPI_Meeting_Notes_2022-08-17_Atlantic

FAPI WG Meeting Notes (2022-08-17)

The meeting was called to order at 14:03 UTC.

1.   Roll Call (Nat)

  • Attending:
    • Joseph Heenan
    • Filip Skokan
    • Domingos Creado
    • Leonardo Raimundo
    • Julie Maas
    • Dave Tonge
    • Takahiko Kawasaki
    • Lukasz Jaromin
    • Mike Leszcz
    • Travis Spencer
    • Dima Postnikov
    • Ralph Bragg
    • Bjorn Hjelm
    • Kosuke Koiwai
    • George Fletcher
  • Regrets:
  • Guest:

3.   Events & Liaisons (Joseph on behalf of Mike L.)

3.1.   Brazil

OPIN certification deadline of Sept 1 has been extended. New deadline will be available next week.

Brazil is changing format of certificates

  • Stop using the organization unit field
  • Transitioning to organization ID
  • Adding a field to indicate OPIN or OB

4.   PRs (Nat)

  • PR #363 - FAPI2SP: Add requirement for RP to use discovery
    • Required clients to use discovery
    • Will be merged
  • PR #361 - Improve comparison table
    • Enhancements to the table
    • Will be merged
  • PR #359 - Privacy considerations based on FAPI 1
    • Pull in privacy considerations from FAPI 1 with some editorial changes
    • Will be merged
  • PR #364 - FAPI2SP: Add security consideration for cuckoo's token attack
    • Added
      • Pre-conditions for the attack and requirement for powerful attacker
      • Attack is easier if a central directory is present
      • Mitigation using short-lived access tokens with refresh token
      • Will be merged
  • PR #365 - FAPI2SP: Document DPoP proof leaks
    • Added DPoP Proof replay and mitigations using Message Signing
    • Removed Attacker A8
    • Consider MTLS sender constraining instead of DPop
    • Clarified that attacker is very powerful and that mitigations may not be necessary
    • Need leaked token to work
    • Awaiting review/feedback
  • PR #360 - Attempt to explain attacker model better
    • Explained the attack using leaked authorization request/responses
    • Need feedback
  • PR #358 - Improve description of attacker model
    • Joseph mentioned there are 3 messages that are not affected by the spec
    • Most likely copied over rather than pull in by reference
    • Pull out some messages since there aren’t any non-repudiation for them
    • NR5 already contains non-repudiation, explain using existing ID Token non-repudiation
    • Brian mentioned non-repudiation for token request/responses but was not accepted
    • Dave will update PR

5.   Issues (Nat)

  • #528 - C. PKCE Chosen Challenge Attack
    • Closed - non-relevant to FAPI2
  • #534 - Authorization Request Leaks lead to CSRF
    • Agreed that nothing can be done for this attack
    • Can be prevented using a one time code in real world
    • Add PR to explain attack and can be mitigated by ensuring one time use of request_uri
    • Dave will add PR
  • #526 - Decide on B. Access Token Injection with ID Token Replay
  • #527 - Create security note/consideration on B. Access Token Injection with ID Token Replay (FAPI 1.0 Advanced)
    • Needs PR
  • #290 - x-fapi-interaction-id across client to AS and RS interactions
    • Move to implementation guide
    • Need to work on implementation guide
    • Torsten suggested to expand interaction id for AS also
    • Dima also brought up using the same interaction id in some cases
    • Need review/feedback

6.   AOB (Nat)

The call adjourned at 15:03 UTC
