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fapi / FAPI_Meeting_Notes_2022-09-07_Atlantic

FAPI WG Agenda & Meeting Notes (2022-09-07)

The meeting was called to order at 14:__ UTC.

1.   Roll Call (Nat)

  • Attending:
    • Daniel Fett
    • Dave Tonge
    • Filip Skokan
    • George Fletcher
    • Joseph Heenan
    • Justin Richer
    • Mike Leszcz
    • Nat Sakimura
    • Tim Würtele
    • Craig Borysowich
    • David Januchowski
    • Dima Postnikov
    • Justin Richer
    • Lukasz Jaromin
    • Pieter Kasselman
    • Rifaat Shekh-Yusef
    • Takahiko Kawasaki
    • Kosuke Koiwai
  • Regrets:
  • Guest:

3.   External Orgs & Liaisons (Dave/Nat)

3.1.   FIDO Authenticate Conference

October 19, 2022 - FAPI presentation

3.2.   OIDF Workshop (Mike)

Monday Nov 14 @ San Jose

Mike will send the Registration link to the mailing list when it’s ready

3.3.   Saudi Central Bank

Awaiting feedback from Saudi Central Bank and acknowledged the cover letter and paper recommending their path for FAPI adoption.

3.4.   Nigeria

Mike is following up to schedule a call with them to understand USSD use cases

3.5.   Brazil (Mike/Joseph)

Open Insurance BR original milestone for 66 certifications by September 1 is pushed back to December 31.

Received CIBA specification for BR.

Joseph is reviewing and raising issues

Central Bank is mandating annual recertifications. Anticipate 106 recertification to be completed by the end of the year

4.   PRs (Dave/Nat)

  • PR #367 - Add security consideration for CSRF attack

    • Related to #534 - Authorization Request Leaks lead to CSRF
    • Affects redirect based flows
    • Proposed mitigations reduce the attack surface but may not prevent the attacks
    • Daniel to review and propose wording to align with security BCP
    • Security analysis will formulate the session integrity properties to exclude this case
  • PR #363 - FAPI2SP: Add requirement for RP to use discovery

    • Already required OP to support discovery so requiring RPs to use it provides extra protections for some attacks as discussed in #525 - decide-on-what-to-do-for-a-cuckoo-s-token

    • And #526 - Decide on B. Access Token Injection with ID Token Replay

    • The attacker model states for A5:

      • When the token endpoint address is obtained from an authoritative source and via a protected channel, e.g., through OAuth Metadata obtained from the honest AS, this attacker is not relevant.
    • In reality, attacker’s issuer URL can be injected

    • Add clause for clients to verify the issuer value in the discovery document matches the discovery URL. But it is a problem for multi-tenancy where they do not have control of the URLs

    • Many clients do not check the issuer to the location of the discovery document.

    • A lot of implementations are not really very strict around the relationship between issuer and the discovery metadata.

    • Daniel to provide wording.

  • PR #364 - FAPI2SP: Add security consideration for cuckoo's token attack

    • Related to #525 - Decide on what to do for A. Cuckoo’s Token Attack
    • PR does not prevent attack but makes it more difficult to attack
    • Preconditions for attack are listed
    • 3 mitigations are proposed
    • Client checks the authorization server from which access token is received and is the authority AS for the resource server. This is implicitly implied and is not in the specs.
    • Document this in the analysis.
  • PR #368 - Add mentions of Authorization Code Binding to DPoP key

    • Added that AS shall support “Authorization Code Binding to DPoP Key” but is optional for clients
  • PR #366 - Add place holder so links to JARM spec in old location aren't 404s

    • Merged

5.   Issues (Dave/Nat))

  • #541 HTTP Signatures (Justin)
    • Feedback for requirements for HTTP signatures
    • Don’t sign ‘date’ header but the ‘created’ header
  • #540 - Use of eKYC-IDA spec with CIBA/FAPI-CIBA
    • IDA requires use of CIBA and claims parameters but CIBA does not support claims parameter.
    • Need to decide in which WG to resolve this issue (eKYC, Modrna, or CIBA)

6.   AOB (Dave/Nat))

The call adjourned at 15:00 UTC
