Bi-plane fluoro systems fail on export, csv or xlsx

Issue #369 resolved
Ed McDonagh created an issue

Related to issue #362 and having more than one AccumXrayDose

Comments (12)

  1. Ed McDonagh reporter

    Also need to include plane as a variable to check when grouping exposures for the all data sheet

  2. Ed McDonagh reporter

    IrradEventXrayData model updated with reference_point_defintition_text field - other instances in other models have a definition field and a definition_code field. However this model already had the CID version without the _code suffix. RDSR extract routine now populates whichever is there, trying for the CID version first. _get_accumulated_data has been updated to use whichever is present so csv export works. rf_export updated similarly but not ready yet. Refs #364, #369

    → <<cset a76473d416af>>

  3. Ed McDonagh reporter

    Removed plane columns from accumulated columns, added A and B to titles instead. Sorted out autofilters to be the right number of columns. Refs #369

    → <<cset 06aeb56e6a4b>>

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