Windows install instructions

Issue #728 new
Ed McDonagh created an issue

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Comments (88)

  1. Ed McDonagh reporter

    Reducing image size. Refs #728 [skip ci] docs only Replacing highlighting. Refs #728 [skip ci] docs only Adding images of download pages to windows install. Refs #728 [skip ci] docs only

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  2. Ed McDonagh reporter

    Reducing image size. Refs #728 [skip ci] docs only Replacing highlighting. Refs #728 [skip ci] docs only Adding images of download pages to windows install. Refs #728 [skip ci] docs only

    → <<cset d2831c8fed82>>

  3. Ed McDonagh reporter

    Reducing image size. Refs #728 [skip ci] docs only Replacing highlighting. Refs #728 [skip ci] docs only Adding images of download pages to windows install. Refs #728 [skip ci] docs only

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  4. Ed McDonagh reporter

    @David Platten or @Kevin Schärer - can you update install_offline.rst with the additional packages that need to downloaded for running Huey? Is it just WinSW?

  5. Ed McDonagh reporter

    Thanks @Kevin Schärer - I think you branched off the wrong branch though - can you make the change from a develop branch instead please so I can merge it in without all the stuff targeting 1.2!

  6. David Platten

    Reduced width of two figures and changed alignment in the hope they may appear side-by-side. Corrected text describing where CGI setting is in Windows 10 / 11 IIS setup [skip ci]. Refs issue #728

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  7. David Platten

    Moved the admonition text for gettext to the top of the section so that a user can see that installation of this utility is optional before they get to the installation instructions [skip ci]. Refs issue #728

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  8. Ed McDonagh reporter

    @David Platten have you been able to make any progress with the windows in-place upgrade docs?

  9. David Platten

    @Ed McDonagh I set up a 0.10 test system on Windows, and then upgraded it in-place to 1.0, following the existing upgrade docs. It all worked, but the documents are a little clunky, and are missing information on how to clean up the 0.10 bits that are no longer required.

  10. David Platten

    A note for me to update the Windows docs:

    I updated my test system yesterday so had to add Huey workers. The services created by the queue-init.bat refused to run - they tried to start, and then immediately failed. I examined the log files and found that the failures were due to my non-standard installation location for python and the OpenREM code. I had to edit the queue-init.bat file and change these two lines to make them reflect my setup:

            echo   ^<executable^>E:\venv\Scripts\python.exe^</executable^>
            echo   ^<arguments^>E:\openrem\openrem\ run_huey^</arguments^>

    I then ran queue-init.bat again and the new services were successfully installed and were able to start.

    I had a further problem in that imports for incoming DICOM objects failed. The task page helpfully stated that this was due to a permissions issue with the folder that Orthanc was putting the files in. I had to give the IIS_IUSRS Windows user permission to write and modify the orthanc\dicom folder. After I had done this the imports worked.

  11. David Platten

    Updated section on creating a Windows user to run the Huey workers. Corrected the .bat file to reflect default locations of python.exe and Refs issue #728

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  12. David Platten

    When running the restore command as written in the docs I get an error about the database not existing:

    C:\Users\dplatten>"c:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\bin\pg_restore.exe" --no-privileges --no-owner -U openremuser -d openrem -W d:\Temp\2023-03-09_0832_OpenREMdatabase.backup
    pg_restore: error: connection to server at "localhost" (, port 5432 failed: FATAL:  database "openrem" does not exist

    After a Google search, it turns out that I need to specify the -C option, and use -d postgres. That then gives the following, complete with the errors about the public scheme already existing:

    C:\Users\dplatten>"c:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\15\bin\pg_restore.exe" --no-privileges --no-owner -U openremuser -C -d postgres -W d:\Temp\2023-03-09_0832_OpenREMdatabase.backup
    pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  schema "public" already exists
    Command was: CREATE SCHEMA public;
    pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  must be owner of schema public
    Command was: COMMENT ON SCHEMA public IS 'standard public schema';
    pg_restore: error: could not execute query: ERROR:  must be owner of extension plpgsql
    Command was: COMMENT ON EXTENSION plpgsql IS 'PL/pgSQL procedural language';

  13. David Platten

    Udpated Windows documentation to add some comments about some of the applications that are installed. Documentation changes only, so [skip ci]. Refs issue #728

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