Docs refresh for 1.0 release

Issue #939 new
Ed McDonagh created an issue

Now more than just Docker, and lots of changes required. Using this issue to track

Comments (54)

  1. Ed McDonagh reporter

    Correcting doc references. Not sure why link to back to new server upgrade isn't working. Removing italic just in case. Refs #939 [skip ci] docs only

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  2. Ed McDonagh reporter

    Added a bit more to postgres bit. Inconsistency of default postgres username between Linux and Docker installs. Refs #939 [skip ci] docs only

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  3. Ed McDonagh reporter

    install_linux - moved orthanc and www-data users adding to group up, can't see why not. Created install_offline based on old version. Refs #939 [skip ci] docs only

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  4. Ed McDonagh reporter

    Need to move QR store up into the install and upgrade docs - Orthanc is included in all the installs, but we don’t tell OpenREM about them until much later in the docs.

  5. David Platten

    Updated standard name mapping docs to include how to enable and disable the standard name mapping. Also mentioning the ability to refresh the internal standard name database links. Refs issue #939 and refs issue #961

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  6. Ed McDonagh reporter

    Outstanding: upgrade_linux.rst is not up to date - no huey, doesn’t have the Device observer UID bit. Possible more.

    release-1.0.0.rst needs some love.

  7. David Platten

    Removed direct link to thesis from the rfdetail page. Now links to the limitations section of the skin dose map documentation. Updated the skin dose map document. Documentation update only, so [skip ci]. Refs issue #939

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  8. David Platten

    Added a references heading in the skin dose map document and slightly changed the format of the reference. Documentation update only [skip ci]. Refs issue #939

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