Write docs for issue 956 refresh standard names function

Issue #961 resolved
David Platten created an issue

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Comments (5)

  1. David Platten reporter

    I think I’ve been referencing the correct issue. This issue (#956) is for me to document the function that refreshes all of the standard names in the database. I’ve not written those yet. The document I’ve put on today is a general document that describes how to create / modify a standard name, and says why standard names might be useful.

    The new document needs extending to cover this issue (#956), and it also needs to include a description of how to enable / disable the standard name mapping/

  2. David Platten reporter

    Updated standard name mapping docs to include how to enable and disable the standard name mapping. Also mentioning the ability to refresh the internal standard name database links. Refs issue #939 and refs issue #961

    → <<cset 7ec014451599>>

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