orders with a designated tray

Issue #156 resolved
dan created an issue

Is there an example of an order where the tray is specified? What is the syntax for that?

Comments (9)

  1. Shane Loretz

    Also note 3.0.0~pre6 will be the first to have this feature. That release is currently being built by the build farm.

  2. Shane Loretz

    Hi @dan77062 , mind posting the log of the segfault you see? I tried the example config in a fresh docker container with ariac3.0.0.pre6, called services to start the competition and submit orders, and did not see it crash.

    rosrun osrf_gear gear.py -f $(catkin_find osrf_gear --share)/config/example_custom_config.yaml $(catkin_find osrf_gear --share)/config/sample_user_config.yaml --development-mode
  3. dan reporter

    Here are the log files that show the error happening. The output says there should be gazebo log files ...../.ros/log/f12e3ce8-52e6-11e9-b8ee-605718ce5397/gazebo-2*.log but those do not exist. The error happens right after calling for an order. Here are the calls:

    rosrun osrf_gear gear.py -f $(catkin_find osrf_gear --share)/config/example_custom_config.yaml $(catkin_find osrf_gear --share)/config/sample_user_config.yaml --development-mode

    rosservice call /ariac/start_competition

    success: True message: "competition started successfully!"

  4. dan reporter

    Using sample.yaml in place of example_custom_config.yaml runs OK.

    rosrun osrf_gear gear.py -f $(catkin_find osrf_gear --share)/config/sample.yaml $(catkin_find osrf_gear --share)/config/sample_user_config.yaml --development-mode

  5. dan reporter

    By the way, putting

    shipment_count: 1                # How many of the same shipment are in the order
    destinations: [agv1]             # Which agv the shipments must be delivered to

    has no impact on the order:

    rostopic echo /ariac/orders

    order_id: "order_0"

    shipments: - shipment_type: "order_0_shipment_0

        type: "piston_rod_part"
            x: 0.15
            y: 0.1
            z: 0.0
            x: 0.0
            y: 0.0
            z: 0.707106781185
            w: 0.707106781188
        type: "pulley_part"
            x: 0.0
            y: 0.0
            z: 0.0
            x: 0.0
            y: 0.0
            z: 0.0
            w: 1.0
        type: "gear_part"
            x: -0.15
            y: -0.1
            z: 0.0
            x: 0.0
            y: 0.0
            z: 0.0
            w: 1.0
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