Gazebo dies trying to play back logfile from automated evaluation example

Issue #161 new
Steven Gray created an issue

Just ran the Docker setup and tested with the example_team config. Attempting to play back the recording, Gazebo segfaults.

Printouts make it look like missing meshes? Ditto the missing robot arms. Additional weirdness -- items are not properly aligned with bins.

[Err] [] No mesh specified
[Wrn] [] File or path does not exist ["/opt/ros/melodic/share/osrf_gear/vendor/ur_description/meshes/ur10/collision/wrist2.stl"] [/opt/ros/melodic/share/osrf_gear/vendor/ur_description/meshes/ur10/collision/wrist2.stl]
[Err] [] No mesh specified
[Wrn] [] File or path does not exist ["/opt/ros/melodic/share/osrf_gear/vendor/ur_description/meshes/ur10/collision/wrist3.stl"] [/opt/ros/melodic/share/osrf_gear/vendor/ur_description/meshes/ur10/collision/wrist3.stl]
[Err] [] No mesh specified
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Full printout attached.

Comments (7)

  1. Steven Gray reporter

    Realized I was missing the mesh files since I was building from source. Copied them where they needed to go and the playback is successful.

    However, it's only 11.982 seconds long. The printouts from the team script running in Docker went for 509 seconds (it started the competition at 9 seconds, then the competition ends after 500 seconds). Should the log be 509 seconds? Or would it not have recorded anything since there was no motion?

  2. Shane Loretz

    Or would it not have recorded anything since there was no motion?

    Correct, Gazebo only writes to the log if there has been motion.

  3. Steven Gray reporter

    Thanks, makes sense.

    Should I close this ticket, or does it make sense to have something for the mesh stuff? Maybe a script to use with docker run for playing back log files, to ensure the install ed configuration is always the same?

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