
Clone wiki

OYSTER / OYSTER Development


To participate in java development for this project you will need a development environment. Refer to Development Environment for additional information. The master branch is used for releases and all development work should be done against the most recent -SNAPSHOT branch. For your development work follow these steps:

  1. Fork the OYSTER repository
  2. Clone your copy to your local workstation
  3. Make and test your changes. This includes clearing up any listed java problems and any issues identified by static code analysis. Only check in clean code.
  4. Commit your changes to your local copy of the repository
  5. Push your changes back to your repository fork in Bitbucket
  6. Create a Pull request which will begin the process of a code review and then merging your changes back into the main OYSTER repository.

Once you have a local copy of the repository, use the Eclise IDE to:

  1. File -> Import -> Maven -> Existing Maven Proejct
  2. Select the project and press ALT-F5 to rebuild the project. This will sync the maven configuration with Eclipse.

Adding functions

For information on adding new functions refer to Creating new Oyster Functions

Contribution guidelines

  • To make contributions to this project you will need a Bitbucket account, obviously
  • Fork the repository into a private branch under your account
  • Make your changes
  • Ensure that all compiler warnings are resolved
  • Run static code analysis (Spot Bugs) and resolve all identified issues
  • Thoroughly test your changes using unit tests and A-B comparisons against the standard data-set
  • Create a pull request to submit your changes
  • Participate in the code review
