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weewx-WD is a weewx extension designed to generate Weather Display compatible data files required for websites running Weather Display Live (WDL), SteelSeries Gauges, the Carter Lake/Saratoga and the Burnsville Alternative Dashboard weather website templates.
The current version of weewx-WD is 1.0.3 which is compatible with weewx 3.4.0 and later.
This will do a basic install to get you started, which you can then refine. Otherwise, follow the directions in the User's Guide.
User's Guide
Contains detailed instructions on how to install, configure, and run weewx-WD. Includes migrating from legacy weewx-WD versions and troubleshooting. This is the definitive guide to using weewx-WD.
Upgrade Guide
Instructions for upgrading from previous versions of weewx-WD.
Advanced Customisation Guide
Explains how to use weewx and weewx-WD with the Saratoga weather website templates. Also covers the configuration and use of the windrose image generator, the clientraw viewer page, the formulas used by weewx-WD to calculate derived observations and details of outstanding tags.
Uninstall Instructions
Instructions for uninstalling weewx-WD.
Support is via the weewx user forum on Google Forums.
Historical weewx-WD Documentation
Guides and instructions for previous weewx-WD versions.