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Simple Flow Problem: Simple, vertical 1D variably-saturated flow.

Required Cards

CHEMISTRY: Required for solute transport.

GRID: Specified size and discretization scheme for problem domain.

Essential High-Level Cards

BOUNDARY_CONDITION: Specifies coupling between flow and transport conditions and a region for a boundary condition.

CHARACTERISTIC_CURVES: Defines a set of relative permeability and saturation function parameters.

CONSTRAINT: Specifies a set of self-consistent solute concentrations.

DATASET: Encapsulates a data set to be coupled with a parameter (e.g. permeability or porosity field).

DBASE_FILENAME: Define input parameters through an external database (ASCII text or HDF5)

EOS: Equation of state for fluids.

FLOW_CONDITION: Specifies pressures, datums, gradients, etc. associated with a flow condition.

FLUID_PROPERTY: Defines fluid properties (e.g. diffusion coefficient, etc.).

INITIAL_CONDITION: Specifies coupling between flow and transport conditions and a region for an initial condition.

LINEAR_SOLVER: Specifies the type of linear solver, preconditioner, tolerances, etc.

MATERIAL_PROPERTY: Defines properties for a material (name, id, permeability, porosity, etc.).

NEWTON_SOLVER: Specifies the type of nonlinear solver, tolerances, etc.

REGION: Defines a region in the problem domain.

SATURATION_FUNCTION: Defines a set of permeability and saturation function parameters. (Currently being phase out. Deprecated for RICHARDS and GENERAL modes.)

SOURCE_SINK: Specifies coupling between flow and transport conditions and a region for a source sink term.

STRATA: Couples material ids and/or properties with a region in the problem domain.

TIME: Specifies the time step sizes and final simulation time.

TIMESTEPPER: Specifies time step acceleration, maximum # time steps, etc.

TRANSPORT_CONDITION: Couples solute constraint with the type of boundary or initial condition or source sink term.

Utility Cards

DEBUG: Defines debugging options.

EXTERNAL_FILE: Allows the user to embed external files within the main input file.

PROC: Specifies processor decomposition.

SKIP: Specifies the start of a skipped section of the input file.

WALLCLOCK_STOP: Specifies a wall clock time at which the simulation will shut down gracefully generating a restart file, if specified.
