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pflotran / Depreciated / Installation / Mac_static_build

Installation Instructions

  1. Install Mercurial (to clone the PFLOTRAN) and git (to clone PETSc). git usually comes with Mac OSX.

  2. Install PETSc

    2.1. Clone petsc and check out the supported version:

    git clone petsc
    cd petsc
    git checkout XXX

    Obtain XXX from Step 3 on the Linux instructions page.

    2.2. Configure PETSc. Set PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH environmental variables. PETSc needs to be configured without mpi and without shared libraries. Also, note that for static build, one can't use HDF5, parmetis or metis.

    ./configure --with-mpi=0 --with-shared-libraries=0 --with-debug=0

    2.3. Compile PETSc

    cd $PETSC_DIR
    make all

    or even better follow the 'make' instructions printed at the end of configuration. E.g.

      Configure stage complete. Now build PETSc libraries with:
      make PETSC_DIR=/proj/geo002/petsc-dev PETSC_ARCH=cray-xt4-pgi all
  1. Download (clone) PFLOTRAN.
hg clone
  1. Compile PFLOTRAN with the following edits FFLAGS in PFLOTRAN makefile in pflotran/src/pflotran directory
FFLAGS   = -nostdlib -nodefaultlibs

Then compile PFLOTRAN

make pflotran
