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blinkclock / Setup

ESP8266-12E Blink Clock


Once you’ve flashed both the code and the SPIFFS onto the board, you should be ready to go. If everything has gone well, at this point the LEDS should be flashing somewhat quickly in order: Blue, Red, Green.

Configure wifi

Assuming your board has never had WiFi configured, it’s operating as a WiFi Access Point, waiting for you to configure it. NOTE: you only need to setup WiFi once, it will be saved across reboots

  • Browse your available WiFi networks on your computer, you should see a new one that starts with “ESP” followed by some numbers. e.g. ESP1612661. Connect to that network.
  • At this point your computer will get an IP address in the range. Open a web browser and go to You should see this:

  • Click on Configure wifi, you should see something like this:

  • Click on Save. The device will reboot and try to join the network, if it fails it will revert back to Access Point mode and you can try again.
  • Be sure to reconnect your laptop back to your normal WiFi network, if it didn’t do so automatically.

Configure the light

Assuming your device has now connected to your wifi, you’ll need to point your web browser at it. On a Mac, you can open your browser to http://blinkclock.local. If you’re on Linux or Windows, you can download Avahi or Bonjour, respectively. Alternatively, you can figure out the IP of the device from your home router’s interface and point your browser there.

Continue on to Configuration
