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lpcmod_OS / xblast_os_manual / Hdd_menu

#5.6 HDD menu

In this menu you can preform hdd related operations such as formatting and partitioning please see below for a description of the various functions.

note the pictures belo are from XBlast os version 2.0 and the lay out has changed in v2.1

pic of Hdd menu

##5.6.1 Master/Slave selection Depending on hard drives detected by XBlast OS. This menu will show an entry for the corresponding Hard drive. pic of Hdd selection menu

Note: Most of the time, only the entry "Master" should be present.

##5.6.2 Lock/Unlock menu

This menu give you the ability to lock or unlock the previously selected hard drive as well as show the default unlock password. Depending on the current state of the detected Hard drive, entries will be switch between "Lock" and "Unlock" to reflect the only action possible to change lock state of the drive.

pic of Hdd lock/ unlock menu

### Lock/Unlock HDD

This entry will try to Lock your hard drive using the generated User Password calculated from the combination of your EEPROM HDDKey and hard drive serial number if your hard drive was previously in an unlocked state.

Note: Xblast OS will automatically set "TEAMASSEMBLY" as your hard drive Master Password. This is only for recovery purposes and will not interfere in any way with anything.

If your hard drive is already in a locked state. XBlast OS will attempt to unlock it using the generated User Password calculated from the combination of your EEPROM HDDKey and hard drive serial number.

Note: The "User Password" is the regular password your Xbox will use to unlock the drive during normal operation. This password is unique for every Xbox console.

If this generated password proves to be invalid, XBlast OS will automatically attempt to unlock your hard drive using "Master Password" unlock instead of the previously generated "User Password". XBlast OS will attempt "Master Password Unlock" up to 4 times using one of the generic passwords in the following ordered list:

  3. "Seagate " (Space-filled up to 32 characters")
  4. "WDCWDCWDCWDCWDCWDCWDCWDCWDCWDCW" (Repeat "WDC" up to 32 characters)

If "Master Password Unlock" feature was required to unlock your hard drive, XBlast OS will print information on your screen to indicate what was tried and the result of it.

Of course, XBlast OS will not make any further attempts to unlock if a previously tried password successfully unlock the hard drive.

Note: If "Unlock HDD" feature fails to unlock your hard drive, even after trying Master password unlock. You should power OFF your Xbox console and power it back ON before trying to unlock it using another method. Most hard drive manufacturer will disable the ability to unlock hard drives after 5 failed unlock attempts. 1 unlock attempt using User Password + 4 attempts using Master Password makes 5 attempts in total.

### Lock/Unlock HDD from network This entry will enable you to either Lock or Unlock your hard drive using a User Password generated from the HDDKey contained in a EEPROM backup ".bin" file uploaded through the web server.

Selecting this option will start the web server and display the IP address on screen you must enter in your PC's web browser. Entering this IP address in your web browser's address bar will load the web page to select an EEPROM backup file and send it to your Xbox console.

EEPROM backup files must be of 256bytes in size to be considered valid.

Note: EEPROM backup files are 256 bytes files, usually terminated with the "bin" file extension. They are normally generated using Xbox applications such as Evolution-X dashboard or ConfigMagic.

### Display HDD password This entry will show the generated User Password calculated from the combination of your EEPROM HDDKey and hard drive serial number.

 Note: This password is generated from your Xbox EEPROM and hard drive serial number. It is not fetched from the hard drive and therefor, is not necessarily the real password needed to unlock the a possibly locked hard drive connected to your Xbox. If your hard drive can be successfully locked and unlocked on your Xbox console, the password displayed by the "Display HDD password" menu entry can be considered as the User Password for this current hard drive.

##5.6.3 Display HDD info

this display will show you piticulars of the seelected harddisk such as model, size, firmware conductor cable type etc... as shown below is a sample of a 120gig seagate hard disk and its information.

pic of Hdd info display

##5.6.4 S.M.A.R.T. menu

This display will show you the selected Hard disks smart status and error table that can be used to diagnose a failing or pre diagnosis of a failing harddisk.

pic of Hdd smart display

##5.6.5 Partition format menu
