The extension doesn't do anything

Issue #4 closed
Vinicius Salvati Melquiades created an issue

When I tell it to create a pull request, nothing happens. By the description I expected it to open the browser.

I'm on windows and my default browser is Firefox (I tried setting Chrome as default but it didn't work). One possibility is that I'm using SSH in my remote, not HTTPS.

I couldn't find any log so I could provide you with more info.

Official response

Comments (17)

  1. Ramiro Berrelleza repo owner

    thanks for filing the issue Vinicius. Couple of questions: - Which OS are you on? - What happens if from a terminal window you run this command? open

  2. Vinicius Salvati Melquiades reporter

    As I said, I'm on Windows. The open command doesn't exist on windows. I googled it up and the correct command on windows, if running from CMD, would be start, and it opens a browser tab in Firefox.

    I don't know if it's possible in Node, but in Windows, if you use the Run shortcut, you can just type the URL and Windows opens it in your default browser.

  3. Ramiro Berrelleza repo owner

    @vmelquiades_acessocard the issue should be fixed in the latest version. Could you give it a shot and let me know?

  4. Vinicius Salvati Melquiades reporter

    I opened this with my work account and didn't see your reply until today. Sorry.

    Doesn't work yet. Now the extension opens the file browser, not the web browser. At least it do something now.

    Bellow is the output I got from the Chrome Inspector.

    [Extension Host] running explorer[org]/[repo]/pull-requests/new?source=feature&t=1
  5. Brian Branch

    I have this problem as well on windows, where the file explorer is being opened instead of the web browser.

    However the following terminal commands to start the browser work

    start chrome


  6. Ramiro Berrelleza repo owner

    Thanks for the feedback @BrianBranch and @vmelquiades_acessocard ! Let me get a windows VM and try the commands you suggest.

  7. Ramiro Berrelleza repo owner

    I updated the code to use start instead of explorer. Could you update to version 0.3.3 and see if it works? I tested it on Windows Server 2019 and worked with the change.

  8. Vinicius Salvati Melquiades reporter

    It worked for me. It opened Firefox (my default browser) on the right page. It got the branch name wrong in the query string, but I think that's a different problem and I can open a new issue, to keep things organized. Thanks for your hard work.

  9. Ramiro Berrelleza repo owner

    Sounds good, do open that bug, I can take a look later this week. I want to do a good review of how the branch name and current folder are calculated, there's probably a better way than what I'm doing now :P

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