Create Pull Request URL contains scm in the path.

Issue #6 closed
Miles Gray Buckton created an issue

When you execute the command create pull request from current branch in Visual Studio Code you reach a dead link:

Dead Link.PNG

I found if you remove the scm/ part from the url it finds the correct page.

Official response

Comments (15)

  1. Ramiro Berrelleza repo owner

    Thanks for reporting the issue! What's the URL you've been sent to?

    From the screenshot it looks like you're on bitbucket server, did you set the Bitbucket Server URL value? What did you set it to?

  2. Miles Buckton

    It’s a pleasure...thank you for responding so quickly!

    Yes, we are using Bitbucket Server, and I did set the Bitbucket URL value. I’m not at the office right now so I’ll need to send you the URL tomorrow.

  3. Ramiro Berrelleza repo owner

    Thanks, one last question. Could you run the following commands from the vscode terminal, and share the output with me? - git rev-parse --abbrev-ref --symbolic-full-name @{u} - git remote get-url origin

  4. Miles Gray Buckton reporter

    I wish I could. My terminal is broken in VS Code, and I don't know how to fix it:

    Terminal Error.PNG

    Can I run it outside of VS Code?

  5. Ramiro Berrelleza repo owner

    Yeah, it should be the same, as long as it's from inside the folder of your repository.

    The plugin uses those two commands to create the pull request URL, I want to compare the output you get to what the plugin expects to see where the bug is at.

  6. Ramiro Berrelleza repo owner

    If you installed git on windows, there's probably another tool call "Git Bash for Windows", try opening it and running the command there?

  7. Ramiro Berrelleza repo owner

    Perfect, thanks so much for the patience and the extra info! I'll update the bug's state once I have a fix for it.

  8. Miles Gray Buckton reporter

    Not a problem - thanks for the help! 👍 See the output below:

    Git Bash.PNG

    I look forward to the fix! 😄

  9. Ramiro Berrelleza repo owner

    Fixed on 0.3.9, should be available in a couple of minutes via VSCode.

    Thanks @milesgraybuckton for reporting it. Please re-open it if the issue is not fixed after upgrading.

  10. Jaabir Nazeer Ahmed Account Deactivated

    Hi, I’m facing the similar issues (404), looks like the path shown while creating a Bitbucket pullrequest isn’t correct..

    it swaps’s the projects/bitbucket

    while this is the correct path


    the Bitbucket command looks for this.


    can u provide the right commands to set it?

  11. Ramiro Berrelleza repo owner

    @{5e39b223caf29f0cb8df89b0} can you share the output of `git remote -v` when run inside your repo? That’s what the extension uses to get the repo owner (bs in your example) and the name (bs-sfcd-code).

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