Game crashes when save file loads

Issue #142 resolved
RMTEW FULL NAME repo owner created an issue

Reported by Charlie G via email.

This is an old Incursion bug, and is related to monsters deciding to pick things up off the ground immediately after loading the game.

Comments (3)

  1. RMTEW FULL NAME reporter

    Fixed a crash bug where when a monster would look for nearby items to pick up, and the variable that pointed to that object was not set. This crash is known to be present in all preceding releases at least back to and including 0.6.9H4. Reported by Charlie G. Fixes #142

    → <<cset 7bc44caf33db>>

  2. RMTEW FULL NAME reporter

    Fixes #242 update some help text. not much that can be done about credits, they are what they are, but got rid of mac person, as that's obviously not happening any more.

    → <<cset bbd66e338745>>

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