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The ramses code is intended to be a versatile platform to develop applications using Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) for computational astrophysics. The current implementation allows solving the classical and relativistic Euler equations in presence of self-gravity, magnetic field and radiation field. The ramses code can be used on massively parallel architectures, if properly linked to the MPI library. It can also be used on single processor machines without MPI. Output data are generated using Fortran unformatted files. A suite of post-processing routines is delivered within the present release, allowing the user to perform a simple analysis of the generated output files.
Click here for the user's guide
Click here for the automatic tests page
Click here for a list of useful tools and external links
About this wiki
The goal of this wiki is to provide a step-by-step tutorial in using the ramses code. We will first describe a simple example of its use. More complex set-up will be addressed in a second step. Typical ramses users can be grouped into 3 categories:
Beginners: It is possible to execute ramses using only run time parameter files. The code is compiled once, and the user only modifies the input file to perform various simulations. Cosmological simulations, for example, can be performed quite efficiently in this way, using the initial conditions generated by external packages such as music.
Intermediate users: For more complex applications, the user can easily modify a small set of Fortran routines in order to specify specific initial or boundary conditions. These routines are called patches. The code should be recompiled each time these routines are modified.
Advanced users: It is finally possible to modify the base scheme, add new equations, or add new routines in order to modify the default ramses application. This wiki will describe some of these advanced features.
The development of the RAMSES code has been initiated and coordinated by the main author. The main author would like to thank all co-authors who took an active role in the development of this version. They are cited in alphabetical order.
- Dominique Aubert (radiative transfer, initial conditions)
- Edouard Audit (radiative transfer)
- Andreas Bleuler (sink particle, clump finder)
- Stephane Colombi (cooling and atomic physics)
- Benoit Commercon (radiative transfer, MHD)
- Stephanie Courty (cooling and atomic physics)
- Julien Devriendt (Hilbert curve)
- Emmanuel Dormy (MHD)
- Yohan Dubois (supernovae feedback, AGN feedback, MHD)
- Sebastien Fromang (MHD, relativistic HD)
- Claudio Gheller (GPU optimisation)
- Matthias Gonzalez (radiative transfer, initial conditions)
- Thomas Guillet (Multigrid Poisson solver)
- Patrick Hennebelle (MHD)
- Troels Haugboelle (MHD, gravity solver)
- Astrid Lamberts (relativistic HD)
- Davide Martizzi (AGN feedback, clump finder)
- Aake Nordlund (MHD, gravity solver)
- Joakim Rosdahl (radiative transfer)
- Yann Rasera (star formation)
- Philippe Series (code optimization)
- Neil Vaytet (automatic testing)
- Philippe Wautelet (code optimization)